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What is HyperDiscover ?

Social media/network platform (web application) with page-building capability that can be discovered by hypertag (descriptive word).

What is HyperTag ?


Hypertag : bike 250usd boston green

Features :

- Create your web pages and folders
- Upload and manage your files
- Page building by boxes (no coding)
- Boxes can consist of audio, image, map, text, video, accordion, auto-slide, box, button, clickable-slide, comment-form, contact-form, date-time, dropdown-button, page-frame, rate, scroll-bar, tab
- Styling the texts & boxes (animated or non-animated, hover selector or active selector or focus selector features)
- Multiple selection editing (set or clear styles)
- Live preview of the box or page currently being edited
- Drag and drop boxes
- Convert the html content box (text box) to an image
- Responsive design
- Add hypertag to your content (boxes)
- Discover by hypertag (jumplink)
- Ability to download content
- Add content to your favorites
- Ability to send files by message
- Data hashing and message & email encryption
- Login by file
- Watermark (image & video) & frame (image from video)
- Content recording (image, audio, video)
- Security level
- Archive (download account (local))
- Simple, powerful and free

It can be accessed from devices with internet connection such as personal computers, tablets and smartphones.

We are trying to provide the best services for you by using artificial intelligence.

Our tagline : save your time.

Copyright © 2022-2024 HyperDiscover, All Rights Reserved.
- It is our policy to respect your privacy regarding the use of this service. no personally identifying information is kept, your privacy and trust is very important to us.
- We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Website at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately.
- We hash and encrypt your data and messages and keep them safe.
- As our website contains links to other sites, we are not accountable for the privacy practices or content of those websites.
- In order to access or use our website, it is mandatory to accept our privacy policy.
- It is our right to update any section of this privacy policy on our website, with or without notice.
- You are responsible for the content that you create and manage.
- Please report violent content or copyright infringement or ... to us.
- Do not upload any data that you know is incorrect or wrong, do not exploit the data given on the website as it is expected from you to behave professional.
- You should not use our website for illegitimate or unauthorized motives, you should not falsify or commit a crime, steal information, hack or intervene with the appropriate operation of the website, etc.
- You must be of legal age.
- It is possible to refuse or call off service at any time for no specific reason without prior notice.
- There is no warranty that errors in the service will be rectified.
- You must use a username that is not similar to the names of companies, brands and etc.
- Each human and non-human person can only have one account.
- Your data will be monitored and if you violate our terms, we will make your data undiscoverable or delete your account.
- Once you have accepted the terms and conditions of our website, you will be able to access and use it.
- It is our right to update any section of these terms and conditions on our website, with or without notice.
V17 20240712 :
- added page-frame & rate.

V16 20240515 :
- added archive (download account (local)) feature.

V15 20240430 :
- added security level.

V14 20240424 :
- added content recording (image, audio, video) feature.

V13 20240405 :
- added watermark (image & video) & frame (image from video) features.

V12 20240322 :
- added login by file & date-time features.

V11 20231210 :
- added focus selector & convert html features.

V10 20231022 :
- checking the published boxes & etc.

V9 20230923 :
- added media rule (responsive design) feature.

V8 20230915 :
- added dropdown-button, tab & scrollbar.

V7 20230805 :
- added draggable feature.

V6 20230714 :
- added contact-form & map.

V5 20230708 :
- added messages.

V4 20230616 :
- added accordion.

V3 20230531 :
- added favorites.

V2 20230525 :
- added comment-form.

V1 20230515 :
- optimized for smartphone.

What is HTMLContent Editor ?

HTMLContent Editor is an app (html file) that is run (without installation) by your computer web browser (offline).

HTMLContent Editor helps authors (writers) write e-books (new generation texteditor) which will include text and image and audio and video content, books are available to authors (writers) and readers in a specific format (html), authors (writers) do not need to have programming knowledge.

Who can use this app ?

Authors (Writers), Developers & etc.

Features :

- Making content boxes (no coding)
- Boxes can consist of text, image, audio and video
- Styling the texts & boxes (animated or non-animated, hover selector or active selector or focus selector features)
- Multiple selection editing (set or clear styles)
- Create (writing) an ebook by boxes
- Live preview of the box or page currently being edited
- Drag and drop content box feature
- Get (copy) code boxes to use when building website
- Convert the HTML content of the boxes to an image
- Simple, powerful and free

Tap to earn

Conditions :
1 - Create an account & make your page(s).
2 - Go to your panel and start collecting scores in the account tab ❱ equity tab.
3.1 - With the vote of the CEO and the vote of the majority of users who own page & equity, 49% of the company equity will be sold and this money will be paid to users (according to their scores).
3.2 - If we do not reach an agreement with the buyers, the scores will be converted to tokens.
4 - Users cannot hold these equity.
5 - Does not include profit (equity only).
6 - Each human and non-human person can only have one account.
7 - Cheaters account will be deleted.

Compatible with chrome